
Welcome to the next step of your courageous self-care journey!

Start now by discovering your self-care profile.


Hey, I'm Tiffany

I’m passionate about empowering women to practice "REAL" self-care, love themselves unapologetically + experience personal fulfillment.

I'm here to be your guide, to help you prioritize your well-being, and to support you as you make space for your values, joy, and pleasure in your life.


Does this sound like you?

  • You have been inconsistent with your self-care and often prioritize the needs of others over your own, leading you to neglect your self-care practices and feel depleted or overwhelmed as a result.

  • You're tired of superfical self-care practices. Facemasks, bubble baths and social media spa days still keep you unfulfilled.

  • You have a hard time committing to your self-care and adhering to your values, critical needs that you set out for yourself.

  • You are seeking personal fulfillment and struggle with a lack of clarity about your needs, values, and purpose in life.


But what you really want is:

  • To have a consistent self-care practice that aligns with your values and critical needs that invigorates you so you can live a fulfilled, thriving life on your own terms.
  • To boldly love yourself unapologetically which leads you to maintain a consistent self-care routine and increased self-worth.
  • To assert your boundaries confidently in all life areas without feeling guilty afterwards.
  • To feel fufilled and experience increased joy and pleasure in your daily life.

Together, let’s curate self-care habits that fulfills you and brings you peace and balance!


Are you ready to get your whole life?

Self-care looks different for each of us. Let me help you find your unique groove.

Together we’ll identify what your values, needs, beliefs, interest, priorities and patterns are and craft a plan to insure that self-care becomes a fulfilling lifestyle that happens automatically.




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Let me help you elevate your self-care journey


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About Me

soul seeker

Hi I’m Tiffany Celeste, self-care expert and self-worth advocate, l empower women to consistently practice “REAL” self-care.